In this engaging session of professional development discover ways to authentically and respectfully use the arts as a powerful medium for teaching Indigenous learning. Aquire new understanding of the history of Indigenous art and how to meaningfully integrate these art forms in the classroom without appropriation. Network with Hamilton area artists and educators to explore partnership and collaborative opportunities, and leave with new tools and ideas to rejuvenate your classroom, workplace or artistic practice.
You are invited to a presentation and discussion regarding The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning's ‘Mapping Project’ – an innovative digital map representing arts and learning across Ontario. We want YOU to be part of this conversation. Through focus groups and guided discussion, have your say and help guide the development of this vital tool for arts and learning in Ontario.
Event Schedule
4:00 - Welcome and Introductions
4:05 - Professional Development Session
5:15 - Networking and Refreshments
5:30 - Mapping focus groups and discussion
6:25 - Wrap up and reflection
The North Bay Eduarts Hub is presented in partnership with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.
The mapping project and the Ontario Eduarts Hub series are supported by a grow grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Hamilton, ON L8P4S8