00:19:38 Larry: No more than 90 minutes. 00:25:29 Laura Caswell/Neptune: lcaswell@neptunetheatre.com. 00:26:18 Laura Caswell/Neptune: if you want to pool resources for day camps this summer: online or in person. all welcome, but my focus is performing arts 00:32:19 Deirdre Potash: ArtWill Studio , deirdre@artwill.ca , 00:36:23 Laura Caswell/Neptune: really important article for performing, choir and musicians. https://www.middleclassartist.com/post/nats-panel-of-experts-lays-out-sobering-future-for-singers-no-vaccine-no-safe-public-singing 00:51:41 Christie Huff - ELAN ArtEd: Glad to hear Ryan's thoughts on social media interaction with parents - we're also having more success with FB than Instagram so far. 00:53:11 Ryan Brown: yeah FB is our farthest-reaching platform by far - hits parents and grandparents as well. most of our students seem to be on IG however. 00:54:14 Lynsey Billing: Yes us too it’s split between FB and Insta depending on the ages of the dancers. 00:58:44 Laura Caswell/Neptune: how are people making these FREE programs pay for themselves? 01:00:11 Deirdre@artwill.ca: I am in the process of looking for funding my free programs. All other programs are paid by participants. 01:01:27 Christie Huff - ELAN ArtEd: We're very much advocating for Artists to be paid for their work online. Fortunately our ArtEd program has funding to pay Artists. 01:02:36 roymulder: This is a tremendous opportunity for artists to change the dialogue. We have to stop giving it away for free. Never lose sight that the artists create ALL messages. 01:03:59 Christie Huff - ELAN ArtEd: This is a link directly to the Online Youth & Family program we created at ELAN ArtEd: https://artistsinspire.ca/free-youth-family-interactive-workshops/ 01:05:53 Jane Needles: Event Safety Alliance Program - Reopening Guide (an American publication but very pertinentn and sobering) 01:06:04 Tania Breen: I’m loving this conversation - I wish I didn’t have to leave for another meeting. Thank you for setting this up! 01:06:46 Jane Needles: Sorry I have toleae 01:07:05 Jane Needles: Sorry - I have to leave too - thank you and see you again soon - Jane 01:07:51 Laura Caswell/Neptune: https://www.apap365.org/Portals/1/PDFs/Advocacy/PACC%20Reopening%20Advisory%20%20Draft%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Ver%204.0.pdf 01:12:18 roymulder: I’m at my parents in law in Nova Scotia right now to be online. 01:13:30 Laura Caswell/Neptune: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5aec979d3e2d09db8bcad475/t/5eb86f694a67d30048528163/1589145456606/2020-05-11+Event+Safety+Alliance+Reopening+Guide.pdf 01:16:53 Christie Huff - ELAN ArtEd: Are there places we could read about what we could learn from digital media creators? 01:21:21 artsnb: Sorry, I have to leave. This has been a very enlightening conversation. Thanks for the opportunity. 01:22:18 roymulder: Christie, much can be found online in places like Youtube or using Google searches. Keywords like Digital Media Arts and keep your eyes on our ARTCi website 01:23:09 roymulder: www.artistsrenderingtales.com will be offering up some courses soon. I’d be happy to discuss off line via e-mail rsmulderuwvideo1@gmail.com 01:35:33 Christie Huff - ELAN ArtEd: Thanks everyone