00:17:52 Rob Malo: Bonjour everyone! 00:18:21 Larry O'Farrell: et bonjour a vous! 00:18:34 tyler.yip: Hi everyone! 00:18:36 Jenel Shaw AANM: It was mentioned that this will be recorded, will we be able to receive a copy of the recording? 00:18:56 Larry O'Farrell: Yes. We will post it. 00:19:07 Jenel Shaw AANM: Wonderful, thank you! 00:41:37 Danny Carroll: Connecting to what Rob Malo just said … I am also a performing musician/composer - all gigs cancelled, like everyone else, looking for help with what platforms are best for performing musicians to stream and/or record, moderate to pro equipment necessary, how to connect all of this, and have access to accept money. 00:43:48 loriarthur: I’m here today wearing my advocacy hat for Carl Orff Canada. I’m listening in today to see if there is some way that we can offer some assistance and support. Thanks for hosting this very important discussion at this time. 00:43:53 Danny Carroll: Added: I also taught music and music technology in schools for 28 years … so interested in what is happening with music instruction 00:45:57 Charisse Wurch’s iPod: I am also listening in on behalf of the Manitoba Orff Chapter. I’m also very interested in hearing perspectives from arts educators from around our province. 00:54:34 Marie-Claude McDonald: I agree with Joyce and am trying to guide teachers to think about how we can move towards more "creating" or "creative expression" with our students, in all arts disciplines 00:56:48 barry kopulos: This technology has been around long time but it seems we were forced to use it witrh being self isolating 00:57:29 barry kopulos: i an attending many webinars arts based where one a book author coach ha a frrefor all chat 15min daily 00:57:55 barry kopulos: i also notice many other org, that previously had in class eminars have gone online. 00:58:37 barry kopulos: i think the new normal is we can still be connected although not physically but stil see and hear people almost face to face in virtual environment 00:58:47 D.Jay: That was what my principal said at our last staff meeting Friday - that we had been given a week to re-invent education. 00:59:01 Natasha H.: I also am looking at this as a positive. I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of what is going on and how it affects others, but for my family this has been a chance to take a breath from the busy-pace of everyday activities. We are connecting more with extended family by phone. But I am also hopeful about cultural changes that can come from this crisis. Exercising conservation, helping others, environmental impacts and taking time for family and friends. 00:59:27 barry kopulos: when isee on tv what the workld is doing virtually using tech it impresses me how people are so creative especially again in the arts community. 00:59:30 tyler.yip: Good point Garth. We are forced to slow down and shine a light on ourselves and focus on what is important in our lives 01:00:50 barry kopulos: without technology though i don't thionk we would be able to feel good and maybe bit less stressed when we see all kind so people cheering us up and making connection through life they6 live 01:01:34 barry kopulos: i think though that this crisis has brought our crearivity out much stronger 01:02:54 barry kopulos: i think people in worlkd aree thinking way outside the box when isee what creatiove things they are doingf to share talents and what the person is all about through t 01:03:29 barry kopulos: i offer mentorship as i even signed up if someone needs tech help to maybe connect ioth others or use these chat opr video tools 01:04:09 jennifertomanek: Thank you for this opportunity for us to come together and discuss these issues. I have to leave early to meet with my drama students. 01:05:04 Larry O'Farrell: Thanks Jennifer. 01:06:19 Sandi Howell: Great to hear everyone's circumstances. I must get ready for another meeting so I am signing off. 01:07:59 Larry O'Farrell: Cheers. 01:08:39 Natasha H.: https://theintercept.com/2020/03/16/coronavirus-capitalism/ 01:08:50 Joan Gillis: They may think they are saving money, but by the time they pay for the infrastructure and support services it may not be a saving. They will still have got pay for teacher time and more time in one to one learning. 01:10:18 Marie-Claude McDonald: I echo Tyler's challenges of how to balance working at home with managing the family at home as well. 01:10:19 Larry O'Farrell: Agreed, Joan. If you really do it properly. 01:11:00 barry kopulos: with the technology youtyh are always using i wonder if they will use it even more now 01:11:06 Rob Malo: My 4 year old is loving the long days at home! We are enjoying the time too, but getting any writing or work done is tricky. 01:11:26 Creative Manitoba (Rachel Andrushuk): https://docs.google.com/document/d/11wWL_7I4BG76t0V2kw1a4yIeWxUSfGwMQFYdUWAgSnA/preview#heading=h.dzg72pc6p287 01:11:36 Creative Manitoba (Rachel Andrushuk): This is a good resource for video conferencing options 01:12:22 Joanna Black: Thanks so much. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear from you in this very topsy-turvy time. 01:13:36 Natasha H.: I just added a link to Naomi Klein’s video on the intercept. I added it because there have been people talking about the changes ahead and preparing for the possibilities of big business using these self-isolating policies to change schools and such in future- but this video underlines how in crisis there are lots of ideas available both negative and positive for how we move forward socially and economically. I love Naomi’s perspective and I think our roles as community builders and social activists (aka artists) will be important to help everyone decide together on how we design the present after this ends. 01:15:22 Joan Gillis: The switch to working from home was somewhat stressful, but I have been able to sleep much more and put my workstation by a sunny window. The one thing I feel that will help us all to keep positive is to keep doing some sort of exercise. It is too easy to just sit all day when we are working from home. 01:17:34 Rob Malo: The links are great. Merci! 01:18:21 tyler.yip: Can you share the links Conrad? 01:18:50 Garth Rempel: yes please Conrad! 01:18:56 Kaitlyn: https://www.eduarts.ca/resources-for-the-arts-and-learning-sector-during-the-covid-19-pandemic 01:19:39 tyler.yip: Thanks Kaitlyn! 01:20:02 Marie-Claude McDonald: I would be interested in finding good online collaboration platforms for music making (like Soundtrap) or video editing if anyone has any ideas 01:20:04 Kaitlyn: Kaitlyn.bois@eduarts.ca 01:23:25 Joan Gillis: I am also interested in the answer to Garth’s question. 01:23:50 Joan Gillis: manager@winnipegjazzorchestra.com 01:26:25 D.Jay: I hadn't thought about that till now - that's scary. 01:26:46 conradsweatman: I’m Conrad with the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, and can be reached at csweatman@themco.ca. Here’s an example of one of our past Interactive Learning Guides, geared towards K-12 educators. The guides were designed to be used as teaching tools by schools attending our matinee concerts. They're rich with embedded YouTube links, quizzes, and musical exercises, and I think they still work fairly well as stand-alone tools. But, as I say, we can probably also provide teachers with archival recordings of the concerts they were designed around specifically. Get in touch with me if you interest or questions! 01:27:17 Rob Malo: I'm in for more chats. 01:28:07 conradsweatman: Whoops, and here’s the example of the guide I referred to. https://www.themco.ca/discover-decouvre/ 01:28:21 Marie-Claude McDonald: I have another meeting shortly. Thanks everyone for all the sharing. Keep me posted on any other solution oriented meetings: marie-claude.mcdonald@dsfm.mb.ca 01:28:23 tyler.yip: I'm down 01:28:38 Larry O'Farrell: Bye. 01:29:00 Garth Rempel: I’m interested in continuing this discussion 01:29:13 Stephanie Strugar: pls feel free to email me so I can schedule video conference post phone call meetings with all of you:) 01:29:15 conradsweatman: Thanks all — I 01:29:23 Stephanie Strugar: brainstorming group/ support peer problem solving group on slack 01:29:28 conradsweatman: I’m going to attend another meeting now! Warm regards. 01:29:42 Stephanie Strugar: www.ddsp.ca- owner/artistic diesctod 01:29:57 Stephanie Strugar: www.artwithsas.com - owner 01:30:08 Stephanie Strugar: www.difiedamce 01:30:35 Stephanie Strugar: oops www.difiedance.org - artistic director and founding board member 01:30:50 Stephanie Strugar: e: stephaniestrugar@gmail.com p: 12048941075 01:30:56 tyler.yip: Have to run. Hope to connect again soon. Thanks for hosting the conversation! 01:31:59 Joan Gillis: I am with an orchestra, so we will not find out how much we will lose until we see what can be rescheduled and how it affects confidence of patrons to be in an audience when things open up again. 01:32:23 Garth Rempel: gotta run. thanks all. take care! 01:33:18 Joan Gillis: Thanks for the contact info Stephanie! 01:33:31 D.Jay: I have to scamper and get ready for a chat with my students - thanks to everyone! 01:34:05 Rob Malo: https://dref.mb.ca/ressources-numeriques-lst 01:34:12 Jenel Shaw AANM: I have to run to another meeting, Thank you so much for the talk everyone! 01:34:25 Larry O'Farrell: Thanks for joining. 01:35:07 Heather Martens: Thank you for giving me something to look forward to! 01:42:04 ianyale: The current situation is giving us artists the opportunity but the challenge too of having to re-think how to make our art and skills available to others.. 01:47:36 loriarthur: Thanks everyone for sharing and allowing a place to voice concerns and questions. 01:48:07 Danny Carroll: We have a 35 minute Sound Healing Meditation audio tracks on Bandcamp … price is set to zero. https://crystalmusicsoundhealingmeditation.bandcamp.com/ For a video version of the meditation you can get a link to it unlisted on youtube by signing up for a newsletter on our Crystal Music site … https://crystalmusicsoundhealingmeditation.ca/ 01:48:12 Rob Malo: Merci everyone!