
The Canadian Art Inspiration Student Contest has launched!

Art Canada Institute

The 2022 edition of the Art Canada Institute's flagship education challenge, the Canadian Art Inspiration Student Contest, has launched! Open to students from Grade 7 through Grade 12, the Canadian Art Inspiration Student Contest invites submissions of artworks inspired by or responding to leaders in Canadian art history and major Canadian artworks. Applicants are encouraged to interpret this theme as broadly as they wish, and to submit works in any medium.

Statistics Canada Launches Pilot for New Culture and Well-Being App

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Statistics Canada is launching a new mobile app to understand the impact of cultural participation on well-being in collaboration with the Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Canadian Heritage. The Vitali-T-Stat app asks participants in-the-moment questions about their daily activities and feelings. Anyone over the age of 15 is invited to download the app and participate from January 10 to March 31, 2022. Participation is voluntary and does not relate to any funding that you might receive from public funding agencies.


It's time to #SpeakUpForSinging

Choral Canada

Singing has been banned or heavily restricted in Canadian schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving students without vital music programs in their school that not only benefit musical learning, but also student mental health and wellbeing.
Research shows us we can sing safely. As decision makers execute the 2021-2022 school year and plan for the future, it is crucial to focus now on providing music and singing experiences for students.

Un accueil chaleureux à nos nouveaux membres du Conseil

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Le conseil d’administration du Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage est fier d’annoncer la nomination de deux nouveaux membres. Veuillez vous joindre à nous pour souhaiter la bienvenue à Dwayne Morgan, artiste maintes fois primé dans le milieu des arts de la parole, et Louise Campbell, clarinettiste, chef d’orchestre et animatrice dans le domaine des arts participatifs.  


A warm welcome to our new Board members

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is delighted to announce the appointment of two new members of the Board. Please join us in welcoming award-winning spoken word artist Dwayne Morgan and clarinettist, conductor and participatory arts facilitator Louise Campbell to our team. 



The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

December 1, 2021

With the goal of enhancing the arts sector’s understanding of engagement behaviours and trends, this SIA Brief analyzes several Canadian information sources related to public engagement and spending in the arts.

Appel ouvert de projets en création musicale participative

Canadian New Music Network

Le Réseau canadien pour les musiques nouvelles est ravi de lancer un appel ouvert pour des projets création musicale participative pour le Carrefour de création musicale participative en ligne. Les candidats retenus recevront un financement pour la documentation d’un projet existant.

Montant de la subvention : 800,00 $

Date limite de l’appel ouvert : 20 février 2022

Open Call for Participatory Creative Music Projects

Canadian New Music Network

The Canadian New Music Network is excited to call for Participatory Creative Music Projects to be hosted on the online Participatory Creative Music Hub. Successful applicants will be provided funding for documentation of an existing project.

Amount of grant: $800.00

Application deadline: February 20, 2022

Deadline for submission of documentation via online upload form for selected projects: April 23, 2022