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Music Monday
On Monday, May 4th, thousands of Canadians will once again celebrate Music Monday.
The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning calls on governments, artists, educators, professional organizations, researchers, universities, communities, and all advocates of arts and learning to endorse the principles in the following document to ensure that the arts are positioned to make an increased and sustainable contribution to learni
From March 23 – April 3, 2020, The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning held a series of 10 digital roundtable discussions where we heard from more than 300 people about the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the lives of those who teach the arts across Canada. The information that was gathered at these sessions will be compiled in a... more
Dear Friends and Colleagues, These are worrying unprecedented times, and as we all self-isolate, hand-wash, clean surfaces and respect social distancing, I sincerely hope you and yours are safe and well. With my children and grandchildren living in the UK, I am truly grateful for Face Time, Zoom, email and phones!
As we watch the entire world closing down, we can have no doubt that we are living through a time of extraordinary challenge.  No one is more adversely affected by the necessary social distancing measures than practitioners and learners in the arts and learning sector.  Many professionals find themselves unable to earn a living; long p
Senator Pat Bovey
On February 6, 2020, The Honourable Patricia Bovey addressed parliament to speak to the matter of Bill S-210 - An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Visual Artist Laureate).  Read her full address below.