
YPT Artist Educators Training - Fall 2017

Young People's Theatre

YPT Artist Educators Training Fall 2017 - Call for Registration

September 14 & 15, 2017
9AM – 5PM

Location: Young People’s Theatre, 165 Front St East, Toronto, ON
Cost: $75.00 for two days, with bursaries and travel subsidies available
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 1, 2017

Register here:


Lancement, à Montréal, du Mouvement pour revigorer les arts et l’apprentissage

Le CNAL/RCAA a établi un partenariat avec la Commission canadienne pour l’UNESCO (CCUNESCO) et la chaire UNESCO des arts et de l’apprentissage de l’Université Queen’s en vue de revigorer l’Agenda de Séoul, un plan d’action globale appuyé par l’UNESCO. La première étape de cette initiative est un exposé de principe qui a été lancé dans le cadre d’un panel spécial lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la CCUNESCO, qui a eu lieu à Montréal le 27 mai 2017.

Movement to Re-invigorate Arts and Learning is Launched in Montreal

CNAL/RCAA has partnered with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) and the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning at Queen’s University to re-invigorate the Seoul Agenda which is a global action plan endorsed by UNESCO.  The first step in this initiative is a Position Paper that was launched in a special panel at the Annual General Meeting of CCUNESCO in Montreal on May 27, 2017.

Critical Evidence: How the arts benefit student achievement (study)

An American study by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

As a nation, we are close to reaching a collective understanding that all students benefit from the opportunity to learn about and experience the arts. Study of the arts in its many forms—whether as a stand-alone subject or integrated into the school curriculum— is increasingly accepted as an essential part of achieving success in school, work and life.

Why we need to keep talking about white privilege in arts education

As featured on ... by Leah Sandals

When researcher Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández released a report last week showing that students entering Grade 9 at Toronto’s arts high schools are more than twice as likely to be white—and nearly twice as likely to come from a wealthy family—than students at other Toronto public schools, he hoped the findings would spark interest.

But even he and study co-author Gillian Parekh didn’t realize just how much conversation would flow from these findings.

Rêvons d'une école artistique et d'élèves créatifs

Comme indiqué sur -- par Sylvie Berardino, Hélène Lévesque et Élyse Mathieu

Dimanche dernier à l’émission Tout le monde en parle, notre ministre de l’Éducation, Sébastien Proulx, a pris le temps d’expliquer le projet de Lab-École de Pierre Thibault, Ricardo Larrivée et Pierre Lavoie, des personnalités qui sont reconnues pour leur enthousiasme et leur leadership.

...lire plus sur


The urgency of art in a dangerous, rapidly changing world

As featured on -- By David Rothkopf

Art is not a luxury, not an adornment of civilization. It is a necessity. It is one of the central purposes of civilization. Artists lead in ways politicians, chief executives, or generals cannot. They enable us to explore the mysterious - deep within us and all around us. They find the universal within the quotidian and in what has never before been imagined - the links that bind us to one another in the most profound ways.

Carrefours Éduarts proposés en Alberta et en Saskatchewan

Depuis 2013, le Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage (RCAA) propose aux communautés des arts et de l’apprentissage des quatre coins de l’Ontario une série de Carrefours Éduarts, grâce au soutien de la Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario. Le jeudi 2 mars, nous étions ravis de nous associer au Winspear Centre d’Edmonton afin d’offrir le tout premier Carrefour Éduarts à l’extérieur de l’Ontario.