Shirley Isaac

I have a broad background in the arts and humanities with certification in both fields. My undergraduate degree was in English and music, and I have an ARCT in piano pedagogy. Further, I am licensed to teach in the public schools and did so for many years (K-12). My postgraduate work was in religious studies and I hold a Ph.D. (University of Toronto) in that field. I have published several articles in scholarly journals and continue to work on research and writing independently. I also take on contract editing assignments and offer tutoring to high-school and college students who want to improve their writing skills.

Langue (s): English
Classes scolaires pour lesquelles la programmation est prévue: Primary (K - 3), Junior (4 - 6), Intermediate (7 - 8), Secondary, Post secondary


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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020