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Creative Convergence 2021 will demonstrate and celebrate the power of the arts to heal, to connect, to construct knowledge, to build bridges across boarders, to foster inclusion and to nurture reconciliation. Join us in-person and online from October 28 – 30, 2021 when The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning, along with key partners, will gather national and international experts and delegates in arts and culture, education, recreation, health, therapy, medicine, humanities and community to engage in meaningful dialogue and seek solutions to the issues facing our increasingly intolerant, uncaring and violent world.



The conference will explore the following themes:

  • the impact of the pandemic on arts and learning practice and programs – in schools, in communities, in professional arts organizations, in other sectors committed to and delivering arts and learning experiences 
  • the opportunities, challenges and possible pitfalls for arts and learning in a digital age and what we’ve learned throughout the social distancing measures
  • the opportunities through which arts and learning can contribute to post-pandemic health and wellbeing – of individuals, communities and society 
  • the strategies that can be employed to ensure the survival of artistic learning in all contexts and sectors


Registration Fees

All amounts are in Canadian dollars.

Regular Rates (registration for the regular rate begins on October 1, 2021)
Individual rate (conference only) - Donations are welcome, any donation over $20 will receive a tax receipt.

Individual rate (full package - includes Thursday and Friday night events) - 
Artists / Students (conference only) - 

Artists / Students (full package - includes Thursday and Friday night events) - 
Group rate (10 delegates - 20% discount for each delegate - conference only) - 

Group rate (10 delegates - full package includes Thursday and Fridauy night events) -


One-day, two-day and event registration is now open.

Individual rate for one day (Thursday, does not include Art Gallery Event) - 

Individual rate for one day (Friday, includes an off-site tour. Does not include Awards Dinner) - 

Individual rate for one day (Saturday) - 

Individual rate for two days (Thursday & Saturday/Friday & Saturday) - 

Individual rate for two days (Thursday & Friday) - 


Separate Ticket Events

Thursday evening event (Winnipeg Art Gallery) - 

Gala Dinner and Awards on Friday night (Canadian Museum for Human Rights) -