Kathrine Moller

Katherine Moller combines the Scottish Highlands, the lush greens of Ireland, and the majesty of the St. John River Valley. Performing classical, baroque, and fiddle, Katherine merges these influences in original Celtic compositions. With rising popularity and multiple awards and nominations, she truly is the master of four strings and a bow.

Katherine is an active educator in the Fredericton area. As well as running her own private studio, she runs successful string programs at several local schools.

Fredericton, NB
Langue (s): English, French
Classes scolaires pour lesquelles la programmation est prévue: Primary (K - 3), Junior (4 - 6), Intermediate (7 - 8), Secondary

Facilite les cours en groupe

Offre des cours privés

Offre des services aux écoles

Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020