Kathleen Ivaluarjuk Merritt

Kathleen Ivaluarjuk Merritt (IVA) is an Inuit throat-singer, poet, writer and collaborator from Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.
She is both a performing and recording artist.
Her debut album Ice, Lines & Sealskin (2015) is a project that celebrates her Inuit and Irish roots, featuring Inuit throat-singing and poetry infused with Celtic influence folk.
IVA is also a throat-singing teacher, and works with schools and music programs to coordinate and facilitate workshops that encourage youth to create, collaborate and build skills and confidence through music, art and identity.

Rankin Inlet, NU


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Offre des services aux écoles

  • Arts autochtones
  • Littéraire
  • Musique
  • Art de la performance

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Profil mis à jour le: avril 7 2020