Daina Leitold

Daina Leitold is an actor, director, designer, drama educator, and clown. As an actor, she has performed on the stages of Manitoba Theatre Centre, Winnipeg Jewish Theatre, Shakespeare in the Ruins, The Winnipeg International Children’s Festival, and Theatre Calgary, as well as countless Fringe and other independent productions. She has also performed in many film and television productions. Daina has worked with the Theatre Schools at both Manitoba Theatre for Young People and Prairie Theatre Exchange for over fifteen years. She is the Executive Director of Green Kids Inc., creating eco-savvy theatre for young audiences across Canada.
Having worked with curriculum-based arts education programs such as ArtsSmarts, Engaging Fusion (Learning through the Arts), and The Integrated Arts, Daina has built strong working relationships with teachers across the province.

Winnipeg, MB
Classes scolaires pour lesquelles la programmation est prévue: Primary (K - 3), Junior (4 - 6), Intermediate (7 - 8), Secondary


Facilite les cours en groupe


Offre des cours privés

Offre des services aux écoles

Partenaires communautaires

Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020