Leah Bailly

I am a fiction writer, journalist and playwright who loves introducing students of all ages to creative writing. As a "writer in the schools," I collaborate with students who want to craft, perform and publish their own poetry, short story and personal memoir for the first time. This is a wonderful way to explore issues that matter to young people-- we point to the flashpoints in our culture and write about them creatively and honestly. My own writing has appeared in literary journals and anthologies across the US and Canada and on CBC and NPR radio, and I have written theatre for festivals across North America. My work has been recognized by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Yaddo Centre for the Arts, Breadloaf, Graywolf, and the Alberta Literary Awards. I hold a PhD in Creative Writing & Literature from the University of Southern California, where I was the Editor-in-Chief of Gold Line Press.

Vancouver, BC
Langue (s): English, French, , Spanish


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  • Éducation
  • Littéraire
  • Multidisciplinaire
  • Théâtre

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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020