Tim Gosley

Tim Gosley, festival director for Puppets for Peace, gives workshops with storytelling utilizing puppets for children of all ages from simple one-session experiences to more complex giant puppet creations that can include pageants and parades. He also performs his one-person show, The Ugly Duckling. Puppets for Peace promotes the United Nations Day of Peace and the diverse art of puppetry. Tim won a Gemini Award for this television work which included The Muppets, Fraggle Rock and Canadian Sesame Street (Basil Bear), however he explores all forms for puppetry. His current passions are giant and LED shadow puppets. Tim is educated in theatre (BFA Acting, University of Alberta). He teaches theatre and puppetry from university level (Bishop's University, Quebec) to schools, as well for small groups and special projects. His own shows have taken him to Germany, Austria, the UK and, most recently, Taiwan.

Victoria, BC
Langue (s): English


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Offre des services aux écoles

  • Éducation
  • Littéraire
  • Multidisciplinaire
  • Théâtre
  • Arts visuels

Partenaires communautaires

Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020