Clare Singleton

Clare’s work as an artist includes on location paintings, installations using 3-d sewn and painted forms including current project Mapping the Journey and commissioned works for Home and Industry Travels across BC and Canada into the wild and open places and the privations of basic living enhance her work. “The prairies and forests, the bird migrations, the fields, and the clouds shape a people. These overlaps fascinate me.” She works primarily as a story artist with expressionistic on-location painting and 3-d sewn, painted work. So far she has created 27 stories on Small Town Canada, a blind man, and a junkman, to name a few. Clare’s expressive and vibrant coloured painting style also reflects the palette of life and her ongoing life journey story. Clare Singleton has documented each province and associated inner mappings in Mapping The Journey which was shown at Smithers gallery this summer. It will be shown in upcoming exhibitions in Western Canada.

Ladysmith, BC


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