Linda Danielson

I was born and raised in Victoria, I am of Scottish-Irish ancestry. I love the west coast and find it a never-ending source of inspiration for my art work.
I have always been involved in the textile arts and only lately have I discovered that my true passion is making art doll figures.
The call of the seasons and the ever changing natural world present to me a deep desire to connect with the creative process, using Celtic studies, shamanism and folklore as inspiration for my cloth figures.
My studio is like an archeological dig as you tunnel your way in through the fabrics, beads, paints, bones, shells, stones, dried foliage and all kinds of wonderful thrift store finds. The pieces are usually needle-sculpted and lightly painted. I use a lot of fine linens that are so often cast aside and I hope that I am preserving them for others to enjoy.



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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020