Elizabeth Sircom

Elizabeth Sircom grew up in the Annapolis Valley. She studied languages in Nova Scotia and France, then painting and drawing in Paris. From 1992-2013 she lived in Normandy, working as an artist and teaching drawing and painting to adults and children. Portraiture has always been a central theme of her work. A self-taught sculptor, the main focus of her work over the past six years has been a series of sculpted terracotta busts. Elizabeth Sircom returned to live in Nova Scotia in 2013 and gives workshops through the PAINTS and AGNS ArtsSmarts programs, and the Acadia University Art Gallery.

Hantsport, NS
Classes scolaires pour lesquelles la programmation est prévue: Primary (K - 3), Junior (4 - 6), Intermediate (7 - 8)


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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020