Sherry Aldrich

Sherry offers lively, upbeat, interactive programs for all ages, using music to enhance the classroom experience of math, social studies, science, language arts, or whatever the class wishes to explore. Through instruction and encouragement in singing, creative movement, and the use of a variety of instruments, links are discovered and confidence is built. Songwriting presents further self-expression and educational opportunities through lyric and melody composition, and through presentation. A series of “Musical Me” workshops have been created for educators, focusing on increasing each teacher’s personal comfort level with using music in the classroom, and exploring the practical application of music as an effective classroom tool. Consider a concert performance by the musical duo Jim ‘n’ I (Sherry and Jim Gillies). Whether a concert, a workshop or a presentation, participants are inspired to discover their own personal musicality.


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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020