Saskatoon Guitar Studio

The Saskatoon Guitar Studio is operated by Walter Hofmeister since 1987. In that time Mr. Hofmeister has been one of Saskatoon’s most sought-after guitar teachers. He has taught hundreds of students and has 30 years of experience teaching almost every musical style and has taught all ages from pre-school children to senior citizens.

Courses are able to accommodate all levels of proficiency from beginner to advanced. The programs at the Saskatoon Guitar Studio are designed to be well rounded educational courses developing all areas of musicianship including: music notation reading, rhythmic accuracy, listening skills, tuning, music theory, and training the hands to work properly on the instrument.

2200 block of Haultain Ave., Saskatoon, SK
Communautés desservies: Adults, Children, Youth, Seniors
Profil mis à jour le: oct 20 2020