Liz Craig

Learn how to play the piano from the comfort of your own home - all you need is keys and a can-do attitude! I offer a student centered curriculum that is primarily concerned with developing musical literacy within each student. My goal is that my students feel confident interpreting, creating and performing. A musician has many skills which they draw upon; often simultaneously. These include a strong sense of rhythm, ability to read music off of a page, playing by ear, a sense of comfort with their instrument and an understanding of musical structure & style.

I want to help you sound good, and enjoy yourself when you play. To achieve this, we look at a wide variety of pieces as well as explore improvisation, arranging and composition at the piano. Students are encouraged to perform at events throughout the year to celebrate what they have accomplished as well as build confidence and performance skills. I offer the opportunity to prepare for exams and a variety of music festivals and competitions as well as be involved in the community. High school students can earn credits through their participation in exams and volunteer opportunities.

I currently offer online lessons in English anywhere in the world to students of all levels.

Langue (s): English

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Profil mis à jour le: mai 26 2022