Gerard McNeil

My practice is an interdisciplinary mash up that includes designing and delivering unique arts infused learning and creativity coaching / facilitation programs for a diverse range of learners and clients, a visual arts practice working in the mediums of photography, and drawing, as well as a new practice as a Therapeutic Arts Practitioner.

Complimenting and informing this diverse background is an equally diverse educational background that includes an MEd in Adult Education, BEd (Visual Arts Specialist), BFA in Fine Arts, Certificates in Photography, Adult Education, Non – Profit Sector Management and Advanced Design Thinking. Along with these credentials I am also a Certified PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) Practitioner, Certified Coach Practitioner, Certified Flourishing Life Coach and have recently obtained the CIIAT - Therapeutic Arts Practitioner Certificate. DISCLAIMER: The CIIAT - Therapeutic Arts Practitioner Certificate does not qualify me as a Certified Art Therapist. The Therapeutic Arts processes I offer should not be considered as art therapy or counselling. The therapeutic arts processes and programs I offer have been developed to promote self-expression, stress reduction, personal growth and general mental wellbeing. For more in - depth therapy and counselling needs, I can provide contact information for Certified Art Therapists and other professional mental health services.

I have also engaged in online studies in Positive Psychology including Appreciative Inquiry (Coaching), Foundation of Coaching Psychology and VIA - Character Strengths Interventions.

Langue (s): English


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Profil mis à jour le: janv 31 2024