Estelle Copery

Estelle Copery has certifications in Elementary Piano Pedagogy from The Royal Conservatory of Music. She is also a certified Elementary Piano Pedagogy Specialist.

Inspiration to her musicianship and teaching came from her piano teacher, Helen Hall, at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music. Estelle studied piano pedagogy with the well-known North Shore music teacher and RCM examiner Ms. Aline Banno. She studied Colour Keys pedagogy under Heidi Saario, an International Colour Keys Trainer from Finland, and a RCM examiner in Canada and the United States. She studied pre-instrumental Colourstrings Music Kindergarten Education with international Colourstrings trainer Yvonne Wyroslawska.

Estelle teaches group and private piano lessons at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music. Private and group piano lessons for children are based on music, singing and movements inspired by the Color Keys, Piano Adventures, Safari, Colorstrings and Kodaly methods. She is the accompanist and co-teacher of the Children’s Vocal Ensemble classes at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music.

Estelle provides piano lessons in English and French. In February 2020, She gave workshops for the finalist of “Spectacle d’Art de la Scène Crescendo”. Crescendo is an annual event organized by the Francophone Youth Council of British Columbia to promote the artistic talents of high school Franco-Columbians. Estelle has taught piano at the French school L’Ecole Rose-des-Vents and L’Ecole Anne Herbert in Vancouver.

Estelle has a Master’s Degree in Arts Administration from Boston University and a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from Northeastern University. Her piano classes reflect the creative, artistic and original side of herself thanks to her Fine Arts background. She has worked in the Museums of Fine Arts, Boston, and local galleries; with teaching experience at a college level. She has also been working as a volunteer for the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra since 2011 and as a Volunteer Planning Committee member from 2011-2013.

From a cultural perspective, Estelle has traveled to more than twenty countries and has resided in Taipei, Boston, Paris, and Brasilia. Music was an important part of her childhood.

Estelle excels in her friendly personality, patient and intention of providing a fun and creative learning environment for her students. She truly hopes her students will benefit from the many splendid things music has to offer and cultivate an appreciation for art and music throughout their lives.

Vancouver, BC
Langue (s): English, French

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Profil mis à jour le: juin 11 2024