In this engaging time of information sharing, learn more about the innovative education programs taking place at Creative Manitoba and Manitoba Theatre for Young People.
Explore other programs and projects taking place in schools and the community.
Network with your peers to seek collaborations, and deepen your connections in the sector.
Share the innovative work you’re doing through a poster session. Apply to be a poster presenter!
Enjoy a presentation and discussion on Canada’s Map of Arts & Learning – an innovative digital map representing arts and learning in communities across the country. We want YOU to be part of this conversation. Through focus groups and guided discussion, have your say and help guide the development of this vital tool for arts and learning in Canada.
Event Schedule
4:00 - Welcome and introduction
4:10 - Presentation and discussion led by Creative Manitoba
4:35 - Presentation and discussion led by Manitoba Theatre for Young People
5:10 - Networking, poster sessions and refreshments
6:00 - Mapping focus groups and discussion
6:55 - Wrap up and reflection
The Winnipeg Eduarts Hub is presented in partnership with Creative Manitoba.
The mapping project and the national Eduarts Hub series are supported by CIRA.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S6