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  The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce that we have received funding from the Canada Summer Jobs program to hire two young professionals for the jobs listed below. All positions will be working remotely from home. Applicants must be:
Arts and Youth and Mental Health The arts are linked to health and well-being in cultural practices and societies around the world. In addition to the lived experience of those people making art, research supports this assertion. The impacts of the arts on youth mental health are particularly striking. As Dr. Tiina Kukkonen states,
The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning is delighted to celebrate the appointment of Dwayne Morgan to the Order of Ontario. Dwayne is a member of the Network's Board of Directors. 
Windsor, ON – The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning in partnership with Arts Can Teach has released a report detailing the results of a project integrating multicultural arts instruction into teaching core curriculum