Jennifer Petrilli's blog

Le Canada entier s’active à l’occasion de la Semaine internationale de l’éducation artistique 2023!

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage


La Semaine internationale de l’éducation artistique aura lieu du 22 au 28 mai 2023. Designée par l’UNESCO en 2012, il s’agit d’une semaine de célébration de la diversité des arts, ainsi que des éducateurs du domaine artistique dont le travail essentiel cultive et transforme l’humanité.

Activating Canada for International Arts Education Week 2023

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage


International Arts Education Week is coming up from May 22 - 28, 2023. Designated by UNESCO in 2012, the week celebrates the arts, in their diversity, and arts educators which play a critical role in fostering and transforming humanity.

Arts Commons Puts Arts Education on Calgary’s Centre Stage with Launch of Arts ReimaginED Program

Arts Commons

New from Arts Commons Education, Arts ReimaginED invites youth, parents and teachers to free in-classroom workshops, live performances, and a summit to broaden learning, professional development, and support for arts education in Calgary and beyond, aligning with UNESCO International Arts Education Week.


Media received about our partnership with Arts Can Teach on a project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

On November 30th, The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning, in partnership with Arts Can Teach released a report on the impact of multicultural arts and artists in elementary schools. The report was an analysis of a project funded by a $61,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation where Arts Can Teach hired and trained multicultural artists to work with teachers in elementary schools in the Greater Essex County District School Board.

New research demonstrates the profound impact of multicultural arts and artists in elementary learning, shown in $61,000 project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Windsor, ON – The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning in partnership with Arts Can Teach has released a report detailing the results of a project integrating multicultural arts instruction into teaching core curriculum in the Windsor, Ontario – a unique community which has the highest percentage per capita of newcomers to Canada.

Announcing The Network's Framework for Action for the next three years

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Our Commitment & Vision

CNAL/RCAA envisions a world in which the arts and creativity are recognized as integral to learning the learning process throughout life. By connecting Canada’s diverse arts and learning communities, we will increase access to meaningful arts experiences for all Canadians, laying the foundation for the strengthening of social and cultural development, health and wellbeing and economic vitality. 


A Tribute to R. Murray Schafer and his Imagination


Read the original article here

Today on the annual World Listening Day (July 18), started in 2010 by the World Listening Project in honor of the birthday of Raymond Murray Schafer (18 July 1933 – 14 August 2021), a Canadian composer, writer, music educator, and environmentalist best known for his World Soundscape Project and his book The Soundscape (1977), IMAGINE proudly presents an exclusive tribute to him by his brother, D. Paul Schafer.

Quel est l’état de la situation des arts et de l’apprentissage au Canada?

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Quel est l’état actuel de la situation des arts et de l’apprentissage au Canada, après plus de deux ans de restrictions liées à la pandémie, et qu’est-ce qui nous attend? Avons-nous su tirer profit des compétences acquises dans notre quête de moyens de rester en contact avec nos étudiants et notre auditoire, ou préférerions-nous revenir aux modes de fonctionnement pré-pandémie? Craignons-nous toujours de nous rassembler en personne, ou allons-nous de l’avant avec confiance?

What is the state of arts and learning in Canada?

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

What is the current state of arts and learning in Canada after more than two years dealing with pandemic restrictions, and where is it headed? Did we benefit from learning new ways of connecting with our students and audiences, or do we want things to go back to how they were before? Are we still fearful of gathering together in person or are we forging ahead with confidence? What is the role of the arts in helping our communities heal in the aftermath of COVID-19?

Un accueil chaleureux à nos nouveaux membres du Conseil

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Le conseil d’administration du Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage est fier d’annoncer la nomination de deux nouveaux membres. Veuillez vous joindre à nous pour souhaiter la bienvenue à Dwayne Morgan, artiste maintes fois primé dans le milieu des arts de la parole, et Louise Campbell, clarinettiste, chef d’orchestre et animatrice dans le domaine des arts participatifs.