
Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - English Quebec, Atlantic Canada & Nunavut

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 2 Décembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Naviguer dans le monde des arts et de l’apprentissage pendant une crise mondiale - discussion en français

Event Date and Time: 
Mardi, 1 Décembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Comment établir des capacités et des liens numériques

Le Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage est heureux d’annoncer sa troisième série de tables rondes numériques à l’intention des intervenants du secteur des arts et de l’apprentissage. Ces discussions seront l’occasion de mettre en commun nos expériences alors que nous entamons la deuxième vague de la pandémie.

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Ontario (non-GTA) Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Lundi, 30 Novembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Saskatchewan & Manitoba Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 26 Novembre, 2020 - 12:00 - 13:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Alberta and NWT Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 25 Novembre, 2020 - 11:00 - 12:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - British Columbia and Yukon Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Mardi, 24 Novembre, 2020 - 10:00 - 11:15

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic.

Alcohol Ink Art Class

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 28 Octobre, 2020 - 18:30 - 21:30

Would you like to learn a new art technique from a local artist without ever having to leave the comfort of your home?

Since September, VVAF has introduced monthly art classes to get everyone connected through art and creativity. 

This month we are inviting you to join us with our own founder Lisa Wolfin! On October 28th, from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM, join us as Lisa walks you through creative techniques with alcohol ink. To sign up, click here!

Art Classes

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 23 Septembre, 2020 - 18:30

Would you like to learn new art techniques & be creative? Maybe learn a new genre of art you’ve always wanted to try? 

Starting this September, VVAF will be offering monthly art classes delivered online through Zoom! We’re inviting everyone to get creative from the comfort of their own home with the help of some of our favourite arts experts. 

Fonder une compagnie : est-ce bien nécessaire ?

Event Date and Time: 
Mardi, 13 Octobre, 2020 - 13:00 - 16:00

Ces « formations pour les nul·le·s » pratico-pratiques ont été pensées pour donner les clés de bases aux artistes-producteur·trice·s-communicateur·trice·s qui doivent être de vrai·e·s pieuvre·s aux milles talents tentaculaires pour faire avancer leurs projets artistiques !


Rencontre sectorielle entre concepteur·trice·s artistiques

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 14 Octobre, 2020 - 17:30 - 20:30

On se connaît, on se croise, on s’échange des courriels, on se promet un souper quand on aura le temps mais on a trop peu d’opportunités de s’asseoir et de discuter, notamment de notre métier, avec nos collègues. Les rencontres sectorielles visent à rassembler les différents corps de métier des arts vivants le temps d’un après-midi pour parler de sujets.