Ontario Creates Film Fund - Marketing and Distribution Initiative

Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 5:00pm
Funding region: 
Arts disciplines: 

The Marketing and Distribution Initiative (MDI) is open only to the Ontario Creates Film Fund – Production recipients and intended to assist producers to make a meaningful contribution to the domestic marketing and distribution of their projects leading up to and during their release.

Available during fiscal 2024-25, this initiative is intended to support strategies and tactics that are an extension of traditional marketing and distribution activities and/or innovative exploitation strategies that enhance and build audience and revenue. These strategies and tactics can work independently and/or in conjunction with pre-existing distribution and licensor strategies.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for marketing support at minimum eight weeks prior to the planned commercial release date of the film.

Successful applicants are eligible to receive up to $25,000, capped at 75% of the total costs for all activities.