City Opera Vancouver

We are a professional chamber opera company. We produce opera. We create new opera, with an emphasis on Canadian themes and artists. Year-round, we present recitals and concerts. We work in a metro area of 2.5 million people, and in a culture of tremendous creativity.

City Opera Vancouver was organized in 2006. We are a member of the Community Arts Council of Vancouver, a Community Partner of the Canadian Music Centre, and have produced five commissions in nine years, including FALLUJAH (2012), PAULINE (2014), THE LOST OPERAS OF MOZART (2016), MISSING (2017), and CHINATOWN (2021).

PO Box 88393, Vancouver, BC
Area served by organization: Metro Vancouver
Language(s): English, French, Gitxsan. Hoisan/Toisan.
Communities served: Adults, People with disabilities, Youth, Seniors
Price range of programming: Pricing varies
Organization type: Charitable organisation

This organization offers online programming

  • Indigenous Arts
  • Music
  • Theatre
  • Performances
  • Workshops
  • Outreach Programs

Profile last updated: Jul 12 2024