Ontario Trillium Foundation - Resilient Communities Fund

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 5:00pm
Funding region: 

OTF is investing in projects of eligible non-profit organizations to aid their medium to longer-term recovery efforts, help with their stabilization and build their capacity and resiliency in the aftermath of COVID-19.

This fund is providing a flexible range of activities to address the diverse needs of organizations and to support them where they are at in their recovery and rebuilding.

Why has OTF created the Resilient Communities Fund?

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the non-profit sector and its ability to support and serve communities across Ontario.

We recognize that post COVID-19 recovery support will be essential to ready non-profit organizations to deal with new and emerging needs for both them and their communities by building their organizational capacity and their ability to deliver programs and services.

OTF’s Resilient Communities Fund investments to the non-profit sector will work to complement existing emergency response funding already in place by local, provincial, and federal funders by addressing medium to longer-term impacts to organizations.

This fund aligns with OTF’s mandate to support the capacity of non-profit organizations and build healthy and vibrant communities across Ontario.