The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning Online Mapping Project Research Report - Year 3

The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning (CNAL) is working to unite local, regional, and national arts and learning communities with the aim of transforming the arts education landscape and cultivating a more creative, innovative, and prosperous Canada.1 Part of their networking task involves the development of an online map that will showcase and connect the diverse arts and learning entities across the country. A three-year initiative funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation is currently underway to start the mapping process in Ontario.

To gather feedback pertaining to the usefulness and functionality of the map, CNAL is conducting a series of Eduarts hubs across Ontario that bring together various stakeholders within arts and learning. Each hub involves arts workshops and/or presentations followed by an audio-recorded focus group discussion.

Findings from the six Ontario hubs from Year 3 of the project are summarized in this report. The finding presented here are meant to build on the themes of the Year 2 report, including the ongoing barriers faced by arts and learning stakeholders in terms of funding, accessibility, and resources, value of the arts, connecting and communicating with other artists, and concerns related to arts in schools.

As with the discussions from the last two years, participants provided insight into the status of arts and learning in their communities and schools, and discussed how the map might benefit their particular contexts. Practical suggestions and strategies to improve the map and promote the growth of the arts sector were also discussed at length. The information gained through the hubs is continuously being used to inform and develop the map.

The Year 3 discussions aimed to gather insight from various stakeholders in the arts regarding the status of arts and learning in their communities and schools, the issues and barriers they face, and how the proposed online map might help them achieve their goals. A summary of locations/events, and discussion participants are detailed in the table below.