This is a recent project I worked on with students from Bertrun E Glavin School, in Winnipeg. I worked with all students from k - 5, who each participated in some way to this project. The mural theme was Community - since this mural will be installed on the school's exterior, and will be a vibrant feature in the community. We made 3 mini-murals, each 4 x 16'. I worked with a group of 'design students', who helped me create the initial designs. After that, we rotated through the students, starting from youngest kids who helped to paint the background. I work in small groups, so that I can work one on one with students and show them new painting techniques. Students had a wonderful time working on this project and so did I! The panels are currently in my studio, where I will be applying a coat of sealer to assure they will withstand our extreme Manitoba weather for years to come. Once that's complete, the school will look after having it installed - and we will have some sort of unveiling ceremony.