Articles of Interest

Movement to Re-invigorate Arts and Learning is Launched in Montreal

CNAL/RCAA has partnered with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) and the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning at Queen’s University to re-invigorate the Seoul Agenda which is a global action plan endorsed by UNESCO.  The first step in this initiative is a Position Paper that was launched in a special panel at the Annual General Meeting of CCUNESCO in Montreal on May 27, 2017.

Why we need to keep talking about white privilege in arts education

As featured on ... by Leah Sandals

When researcher Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández released a report last week showing that students entering Grade 9 at Toronto’s arts high schools are more than twice as likely to be white—and nearly twice as likely to come from a wealthy family—than students at other Toronto public schools, he hoped the findings would spark interest.

But even he and study co-author Gillian Parekh didn’t realize just how much conversation would flow from these findings.

Rêvons d'une école artistique et d'élèves créatifs

Comme indiqué sur -- par Sylvie Berardino, Hélène Lévesque et Élyse Mathieu

Dimanche dernier à l’émission Tout le monde en parle, notre ministre de l’Éducation, Sébastien Proulx, a pris le temps d’expliquer le projet de Lab-École de Pierre Thibault, Ricardo Larrivée et Pierre Lavoie, des personnalités qui sont reconnues pour leur enthousiasme et leur leadership.

...lire plus sur


Eduarts Hubs offered in Alberta and Saskatchewan

Since 2013, The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning (CNAL) has presented our Eduarts Hubs, with the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, to arts and learning communities across Ontario. On Thursday, March 2nd, we were thrilled to partner with the Winspear Centre in Edmonton to offer our first ever Eduarts Hub outside of Ontario.

Une récipiendaire d’une médaille du gouverneur général sera à la tête du Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage (RCAA).

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que Mme Angela Elster occupera le poste de directrice générale du RCAA/CNAL, suivant trois décennies de leadership dans le domaine des arts et de l’apprentissage, plus récemment à titre de vice-présidente principale du Conservatoire royal de musique, où elle a créé et mis en œuvre le programme d’apprentissage par les arts, entre autres initiatives réussies.

Governor General’s Medal Recipient to head the Canadian Network for Arts and Learning

Ms. Angela Elster has been recruited to serve as Executive Director of CNAL following three decades of leadership in the field of Arts and Learning, most recently as Senior Vice President of The Royal Conservatory of Music where she created and implemented Learning Through the Arts among other successful RCM initiatives. On June 23rd Ms. Elster was awarded one of Canada’s highest honors – the Meritorious Service Medal from the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada.

La Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario appuie la création d’une ressource en ligne pour rendre l’éducation par les arts accessible à tous les Ontariens et Ontariennes

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

La Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario appuie la création d’une ressource en ligne pour rendre l’éducation par les arts accessible à tous les Ontariens et Ontariennes