Windsor Endowment for the Arts - Elizabeth Havelock Grant

Tuesday, March 31, 2026 - 11:45pm
Funding region: 


One grant is presented to foster and support the artistic excellence of the mid-career artist (7-15 years of art practice) in any artistic discipline.

In 2012, the Havelock family created this grant to celebrate the life and work of the late Windsor arts advocate and WEA supporter Elizabeth Havelock.

Grant Funding

The Elizabeth Havelock Grant in the Arts is awarded to support the professional and creative development of the mid-career artist (7-15 years of art practice) in any discipline. This grant may be used to:

  • Develop a new project
  • Support an ongoing project
  • Aid research and study
  • Promote new forms of art to the general public

*PROJECTS must be scheduled to begin AFTER The WEAs Awards & Grants Celebration in May. WEA does not fund projects retroactively.

Artists who meet the eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply.

Value: $3,000

Eligibility Requirements

  • Is a Member of Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA).
  • Has been a resident of the City of Windsor or one of the municipalities within Essex County for at least one year prior to applying for this grant.
  • Is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • Is 18 years of age or older.
  • Is recognized as a professional, practicing artist by other artists working in the same field.
    • *This means that you are actively making art, not just thinking about it. Other artists doing similar work see you as a peer. You can show evidence of a strong body of professional, publicly recognized work, demonstrated through a history of public performances, public exhibitions and/or publication.
  • Your art practice has spanned  7 – 15 years.
  • You seek payment for your work.
    • *Do you sell your work? Do you charge admission to see your work? Do you receive compensation for your work? You don’t have to be making a living solely from your art, but you seek an income from it.
  • Can demonstrate a commitment to your artistic development.
    • Do you attend workshops, seminars, courses or give / receive mentorship in your field? Have you served on the board of an arts organization, or on the planning committee of an art exhibition, event, festival etc. in Windsor-Essex?